What is
SreeTantraYoga and its benefits?
Tantra Yoga is a unique blend of ancient great Tantric and yoga techniques. ‘Sree’ means lalita the goddess of
consciousness, love, wealth and enlightenment. Through the meditations and rituals (pujas) of sree
tantrayoga, anyone can achieve the state of awakening without the dangerous
traps of great tantric spiritual path. A Sreetantrayoga sadhaka can be change
his destiny by his own wish or will and he can enjoy his life by the freedom,
love, ecstasy, special skills and power of spiritual awakening and
consciousness empower.
The psychologists say that psychological
needs are the first needs of a common man. Next safety needs, belongings and
love needs, Esteem needs and self actualisation needs. Self actualisation need is final. We are searching the joy in the
form of house, car, money etc... But we can see the root of all these needs are
self actualisation needs. If we will full fill this last need, then we will be
the first. We don’t need anything in the world because we are Enlightened. So
Buddha says he is the Emperor in the world. So Jesus says I am the emperor of
the Kingdome of the God.
tantra yoga, the beautiful and safe ancient secret blend of tantra and yoga.
The Ashtamgayoga system .
At first this ancient powerful system help the sadhaka to develop his
consciousness level in a higher stage by the techniques of ashtamga yoga which
are the yama ,niyama, asana, pranayama, prathyahara, dharana, dhyana, samadhi.
After the development of his consciousness he can be successful in tantra
sadhanas simply and safely. But it is strictly insists to do by the
instructions of a real experienced
The sidhantnta sravana or sadsamga (hearing spirituality) is the 6th
main practise in (2)niyama in ashtamgayoga. So first a sadhaka should develop
the quality and purity to attain self actualisation through ashtamgayoga. We
are giving the key practise like different types of Pranayamas (the great
breathing exercises) of Ashtamgayoga.this is also the same base of world
spirituality like Sufism,zen,buddisam,taoisam,etc..
The tantric rituals (puja) of sree tantrayoga
We gives deeksha and
teach the basics of puja.
The main tantric puja of sree tantrayoga is sree vidya(sree chackra) puja
The main concept in puja is that the god or goddess is considered to
be actually present in the yantra or image used and are given worship and
treated as honoured guests. All recitation, mudras and ritual elements are
given to her/him. Yet she/he is one with the worshipper, not separate.
Before puja a special guidance class and doubt clearing session will
conduct by the trainer to give instructions, theory of STYoga and practice of
First the tantricas draw colourful sree yantra on floor with some
natural powders from nature like rice powder. Then decorate the main lamps with
red cloth and ornaments with fragrent flowers. Lightening the lamp of puja.
They create a ritual situation for meditation.
Various ritual accessories (upachara) are used in the daily ceremony,
with the 16 principal items being asana (seat), svagata (welcome), padya (water
for washing feet), arghya (rice, flowers, sandal paste &c), achamana
(sipping water), madhuparka (honey, ghee, milk, curd), snana (bathing), vasana
(clothes), abharana (gems), gandha (perfume and sandal), pushpa (flowers),
dhupa (incense stick), dipa (flame), naivedya (food) and namaskar (prayer).
These may be multiplied up, depending on the devata. However, despite
differences, all daily pujas follow a very similar pattern.
While the time the man using bell sounds for meditative vibration.
Other of the many elements in daily puja include meditation and
recitation of the particular mantra of the devata, as well as worship of the
Guru, considered to be one with Shiva.
Without “deeksha” nobody granted for practise sree tantrayoga .
Deeksha is a ceremony of giving approval as the student by master (guru).The
guru advices special mantra in the ears of the student. In vaydika system the
master gives a cross cotton thread to the student, which known as “Upanayana”
.Some masters giving ornaments of rudraksha(the holly seed) tied up on
student’s hand. Here after small deeksha with rudraksha,the trainings of pujas
will start.
According to mythology, Rudraksha is the tear center of Lord Shiva's
eyes, which is like the Lord Shiva himself. "Rudra" means terrible
and "Aksha" means eyes and the axis. Even in his angry form, Lord Shiva is beneficial, When he opens his
third eye, He even turns "Kama" to ashes. In fact, Lord Shiva is the
axis, the base, foundation of the world. The Rudraksha has originated from the
aqueous drop centre of the eye of the Lord and is very beneficial for human
The supreme father Lord Shiva went into deep samadhi. After the deluge
for the sake of creating this world Lord Shiva went into meditation and turned
his full attention inwards and got lost in deep penance. When his penance was
complete and his eyes opened, along with all the Gods and Goddesses, the tears
that fell upon the earth solidified and gave birth to Rudraksha. These are the
solidified tears of pity that he sheds at the woes of his bhakts. These trees
bear fruit, which are indeed the Rudraksha. These fruits like Rudraksha are
used as ornaments by all the Gods and Goddesses for their own well being.
The seed of Rudraksha has been given a very place and it is credited
with mystical and divine properties. The botanical name of the Rudraksha plant
is 'ELAEOCARPUS GRANITRUS'. This is found in the various parts of the world.
"Rudraksha is formed by association of two words, 'RUDRA' and 'AKSHA"
or AAKSHA". Rudra is the name of Lord Shiva. Aksha incans 'eye'. Aaksha
means 'tear'. It is said that the plant of
Rudraksha is originated from the tear drops of Lord Shiva. It is said
that the seed of Rudraksha contains the secrets of entire evolution of the
cosmos within it. The seed is said to be of divine origin containing great
mysteries within it. To the devotees of lord Shiva, this is a very mystically
potent seed in which the god has encoded the deep secrets of the existence.The
seed of Rudraksha is believed to have any mystic and divine powers.
The Upanishads says the importance of Rudraksha.By telling a rosary
made of Rudraksha seeds for one thousand times, by worshipping and saying the
mantra of lord shiva, one attains perfection. All sins of such a person are
destroyed. Those who wear Rudraksha on their bodies, cannot be affected by
sins. Even if, one wears Rudraksha on his body, without ding worship and saying
the sacred mantra, one does no get near any sinful deed or thought. The seeds
of Rudraksha all the devotees of lord Shiva. The devotees since time immemorial
have worn these seeds.
The spiritual
science of wear the rudraksha is that, whenever we will see the rudraksha on
our body we can remember the importance of be conscious and present. It will always
remind us the importance of meditation and stay without thoughts.
the ultimate meditation
This is the new place to remove all wrong knowledge
which is accumulated by school or society from our childhood and go to the 100%
of our potentiality. The
sreetantrayoga also shows the truth in Vedanta,
Tantra, Sufism, Taoism, Buddhism, Zen etc
We know the only way to attain self actualization is
meditation. So many people are doing yoga, meditation, pranayama etc…but all
spiritual methods are saying to go to meditation at first we should control our
Mind. Without controlling of mind our meditations will be a useless pretending
of ego.
Actually the meditation is not what we are doing
something. It should happen by itself. We can only do to make situation and
wait for that happening. We can only prepare the land and wait for sow by the
According the world spirituality the meditation is a
state continuing in present without thoughts. Sreetantrayoga gives the power to
continue in now. At first tantra creating imaginations and concentrating
imaginations and thoughts to a particular objects through mantras then merge
that concept to the inside consciousness of sadhaka .Then he can understand the
exterior and interior is a projection of his ego. This shows the Vedanta truth
in upanishads “tht tvam asi” (that is
Caution:-‘Mind is a good slave or equipment and a
worst owner of us.’
The technology of Mind
The mind have two part .First part is conscious mind.
This part controls our common thoughts and activities. Second part is sub
conscious mind which controls our body activities and basic emotions etc…While
we are a child we had the balance between conscious and sub conscious mind, but
today the subconscious mind became huge investments. How? It creates by the
conditionings given by society. If a lady is coming .one guy understands that
but he is not granted to see her beauty. This energy of emotion is suppressing
to his sub conscious mind as a waste bucket. The consciousness is always trying
to come top, but the mind is suppressing. If we clean the conscious and subconscious
mind like a child then the consciousness will rise to top and merge to
universal consciousness. This is called enlightenment.
Kundalini awakening and cosmic orgasm
The Kundalini awakening experience is happening in different persons
in different places and different time. The Cadillac symbol of medical science
is representing this experience. The kundalini energy is sleeping in our
muladhara which is below area of our sex centre. We have a psychological and
spiritual block in our above area of sex organ (Swadhistana). We should break
the block by meditations. If we awaken the kundalini energy, that will rise
through chakras by chakras and release through sahasrara(Top of the head). Then
yogi will experience the oneness with universe. Then he is making love with
universe. This is a great enjoyment stage of Ananda which is 100 times better
than sex. It is the stage of cosmic orgasm.
In modern science is eagerly researching in enlightenment. Through the
brain mapping study scientists could see the difference of the brain of
enlightened person. Even the most brilliant scientist Albert Einstein was used
less than 10% of his brain. The rest of 90% is not using in human brain. In
enlightenment a person can be activate the 100% of the brain. Then yogi will go
through many hormone changes and body changes etc...
benefits of sreetantrayoga
A Secker can attain his self actualisation easily and safe way along
with his family-career life. Here every step of sadhaka can keep with
experience, because SreeTantrayoga is a pure inner science can be applicable
for anybody. No need of blind beliefs of the words in old holly books those are
not conform whether it is real or fake. SreeTantra yoga is a path of reality
and experiment of inner life.
Sreetantrayoga gives special powers and skills to sdhaka one by one as
per the seriousness and dedication of him. But special skills of ‘sidhis’
should reject by the sadhaka to attain final enlightenment.
Every sadhaka can succeed by his thrill or interest in this sacred path
and this gradually leads to overall success of him without disturb his family
and career.
Conditioning and break
that conditions through SreeTantra yoga
A child is not
supposed to be accepts himself. The society is detaching him from his root
consciousness through the ‘don’t dos’. These conditions going deep of our sub
conscious mind and this be a cause of the formation of a second personality .He
is a representative of the society. Then start the war of thoughts between these
personalities. By the slavery of society we are seeing ourselves as the same
looking of others. We are seeing us from outside of our body. The child is
seeing himself from within his body. Everybody is carrying a personality of
society in their mind as a judge. Our morality, Virtue, ethics everything is
deciding by this fraud judge. We taking decisions from this society mind, but
this is not real. So these decisions are not suitable for our real present
situation. This is the root cause of our sufferings. This is not in our
conscious mind. It is in our sub conscious. We should break it through
Structure of these
First we should know the structure of these
conditions. At first, a child is conditioned by his language .Then religion,
cast, culture, money etc. Thousands of conditions.
The big ‘karmabandha’ trap
of past and future.
By the conditioning of society and his
own experience the child became separated from his root of present. He is
starting to live in a mythical past or future. The past and future are
illusions. Only the present is real truth. We can’t experience past or future. we
can see only the result of past but even that process of seeing is present.
That result is also present. So here we can experience and exist only the big
present. That is the stage of truth or ananda. That happiness is our core
energy. We built up with this ananda. Think it, whenever you became happy then
you are in present. Love is in present. Your all beautiful moments are in
present. Whenever you came to your base, present then you became happy. Look a child. He is always in present. He can
play 24hrs.Can we play? No. He doesn’t have thoughts. Thoughts need big part of
our energy. The thoughts always will be present or future. If we can continue
in present through Sreetantrayoga meditations then the past and future will
disappear from your life. Only the present reality of joy will remain. trap of past and future was called by
Upanishad rishis ‘Karmabandas’. Which
are the reasons for re birth and death scycle. Sreetantrayoga gives freedom
from these.
The mind always will be same. If
we can return to innocence of a child, if we can remove the accumulation of our
knowledge through Sreetantrayoga, then we can be a child-younger with great
happiness and power. This is a same statement given billow by Jesus Christ.
Example Of ananda in the
One common man can be seen as a visible
figure of god with great joy in his housewarming function. He is receiving
people and gives food more and more for their satisfaction. Why he have become
such a good man. because with the past 10 years, his house was in the future.
He struggled very much for this future house. He was detached from his real present,
but today the same house in present. He fell down to his core reality or
present, but ego will not ready to die.
The ego or mind returns powerfully. The mind will say,’ in this colony
only one house is a house without a car’, His same house. Next day he can be
seen with great worry in the case of the car. He started to run next 10 years
for his future car. He is not living.He had thrown to future. More targets form
office, more struggles. The cycle continuous....Those who are centred in past
or future, he is a dead man. He is not alive in reality or present, because
past or future is illusion or dead.
The collisions of persons
How the wars happening? E.g. one
dad is standing mainly in the conditioned layer of money, but his son is
standing in the conditioned layer of his dream. Always the clashes happen between
the conditioned layers. If we can understand the layers, then we can solve most
of the problems in the world.
Collisions between the
situation and the dreams and goals
Another one big issue is the collisions
between the situation and the dreams or goals. One a person is standing in the
layer of big dreams, but really he belongs in the layer of poor situation. If
he understands the difference between his two layers, then every problem will clear.
This technology is useful for our career life also.
The solution
If anybody deletes his all layers then he is known as a tantrica or
Buddha. He will be 100% suitable with any situation and any person in the
world. He entered in to the land of tripurasundari or Buddhas. His all problems
will vanish. He entered in to the God’s Kingdome which has mentioned by Jesus
Christ. If he continues in present, then starts the miracles happen
continually. God is waiting for this moment to shower on you.
The dangers
in common tantric Path
Tantra is not full of sexual sadhanas. Sex is a part of tantra. It is
a path of spiritual awakening in natural and easy way. But while the time of
sexual sadhanas,(vijnanbhayrav tantra)
tantra insists to be completely aware in his body energy flows, feelings
and passions. If the sadhaka(seeker) fail to be conscious in tantric love
making, his vasanas(birth tendency) will collect the wrong idea about his
ecstasy .His body concern that the joy had given by the body of opposite sex.
Then there is a chance to be addict in sexual neurosis for opposite sex or
other dangerous insanity. The tantra path trying to teach the ecstasy is rising
and performing with in his body .Other body is just a reason. If he can
understand that truth by systematic practices by the instruction of a real guru (master), then the
kundalini sexual power will rise to top of the head as spiritual energy. Then
the energy will not flow out through the sex organs.
A common man hasn’t that much
of capacity to be aware, meditate in sexual intercourse. That is the main
danger in tantra path. The tantra books said that, this is a “Yogini course”.
So the secret path of sree tantrayoga, strictly insists to obey the
instructions of a real guru.
Another problem of the path, sadhaka at a certain stage of his
development is able to subjugate any woman. A passage like this occurs in the
Nityashodashikarnava which is a part of the Vamakeshvara Tantra. Powers like
this are said to come to the Sadhaka on his way towards Liberation, but if Mumukshu .he should avoid these
temptations. The Shakta Sadhaka seeks the love of the great Mother of the
Universe and these difficulties which he encounters he has got to guard himself
against. The Kularnava Tantra says that the path of Kula is as dangerous .as it
is to embrace the neck of a ferocious tiger or to play with a poisonous snake
or to walk along the sharp edge of a naked sword.But sreetantrayoga helps to go through the path without harm of the power of yoga and pujas.
“Om nama:”
Mail on sreetantrayoga@gmail.com
Sree Tantra Yoga
Practitioner of Sree
tantrayoga. Mob - +91 9544431919.
Thapovan, Kandiyoor, Mavelikara,
Pin 690103, Alappuzha, Kerala, India
Testimonys on you tube
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