Wednesday 10 December 2014

“Jnaanam yogaathmakam vidhi, yogam chashtamga samyutamSamyogo yoga ityukto jeevatma-paramatmano:” yoga yajnavalkyam. (Upanihad)

This is an answer for the question from “gaargi”. She is the wife of great rishi in Upanishads ‘Yagnavalkya”. She asked about yoga.
Yagnavalya said that yoga means,-“you understand the knowledge about the great yoga. This is the process of union of jeevathma and paramaathma(Vedanta). This yoga has eight limbs (Ashtamgayoga) in the practise”.
The meaning of the sloka indicates the union of spirit and cosmic consciousness (Sufism). Union of the male energy in our body with the female energy (tantra). Negative energy and positive energy (zen). Energy and matter (science). Mind and consciousness (spiritual science). Love and hatred (material life). Two and one (advaita). Ego and universal consciousness (Taoism).Past and future ( Geetha). Prakruti and purusha (veda). Father and son (Jesus).
Without the yogam anybody can’t free from the hand of powerful illusion of material world and birth and death cycle. Everybody hypnotised by the illusion which has created by the unreal past and future. This creates time This world. Time is not real. It is also an illusion (Maya). The yoga path gives experience of the present, real world. If you want to experience the real world practise ashtamgas of yoga. It is different from usual hadhayoga exercises.
The starting of ashtamgayoga with 10 Yamas deeply,2nd is 10 niyamas deeply. At first sadhaka should learn deeply the 20 techniqs from a real guru. Because these are not in the circle of knowledge. If we try to learn ashtamgayoga from books, there will be have big confusions. Eg. The 1st yama is ‘Ahimsa”(non violence).2nd is sathya(truth)If you go to inform an accidental death of a sun ,to his mother. What will you say? “Your sun is serious”. If you practising non-violence, you can’t say “He dead.” How you will practise this yamaniyamas. If there is a real acharya(master) he will raise the consciousness of a sadhaka through some meditation techniques and 7th law in niyama the “sidhaanta sravana” (hearing Vedanta like other practise),then automatically the student can understand this right duty ,svadharma . Otherwise in front of the mother the person may says that “he dead” to follow 2nd niyama. Immediately the mother will be a heart patient and dead.
The terrorists in Iraq are also doing the same mistakes by holly books. Without consciousness the bookish knowledge is dangerous in spirituality. A person is giving more impotence in book knowledge is like a monkey with loaded gun. You can see the monkeys everywhere in the world in different appearance. The systematic way of yoga will leads to the ultimate happiness and bliss of enlightenment. The cosmic orgasm. But it is very difficult to find out a real master in India with higher consciousness which has the power to transform a student to higher consciousness.
So it is not simple. But if anybody after learn the depth of yamaniyamas systematically, then It will be very easy to practise and leave here with great joy and freedom.The reason of the meditative happiness is that the results of past works (the karmabandhas) will not affect us. This is the real moksha or enlightenment.

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